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200hr Hatha Vinyasa Teacher Training 


in Phuket, Thailand


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The InDepth Yoga Fundamental Course for Hatha Vinyasa focuses on four specific areas related to the art of teaching yoga. The training is designed for small groups, allowing for more personalized education and lively discussion as we delve into the world of yoga study. Our experienced instructors are devoted to helping each student understand the fundamentals of yoga and the teachings of yogic philosophy. With a series of lectures, physical practices, class simulations, and inclusive discussions, you will be well-prepared to teach yoga with confidence and skill.

Our yoga school believes in creating true yoga teachers who are passionate about spreading knowledge and wisdom, teaching from the heart, and bringing colorful energy and enthusiasm into their classes. Our certificate is recognized worldwide, and students from different parts of the world come together to learn and grow in a warm and friendly environment.

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”


– The Bhagavad Gita


Typical Daily Schedule

6:45                    Wake up time

7:00 – 8:30        Yoga practice

8:30 – 9:00        Pranayama/Mantra Chanting

9:30 – 10:30      Breakfast

10:30 – 13:30    Theory lecture I

13:30 – 15:30 Lunch & resting time (self-study)

15:30 – 17:30     Theory and Practice lecture II

17:30 – 19:00     Yoga practice

Content Hours
Content Hours

Techniques, Training and Practice

100 hours

Teaching Methodology

30 hours

Anatomy and Physiology

20 hours


30 hours

Practicum & Non - Conact Hours

20 hours

What you will gain
What you will gain from the course:
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of traditional yogic techniques, their uses, practices, and ways to incorporate them both into your personal practice and future classes. 

  • Gain a new connection to your mind, your body, and your spirit. Achieve a balance between the three. 

  • Gain a vital foundation of all areas of yogic study and ground yourself as a knowledgeable instructor.

  • Achieve a level of confidence with speaking in public. Find your voice and speak with assertiveness, experience, and stature. 

  • Learn the proper sequencing, alignment, and position in a traditional yoga class, then, get creative with these elements in the making of your own classes. 

  • Experience the healing and restorative process through living the traditional yogic lifestyle on a tropical island.

  • Experience daily asana, meditation, and pranayama practice and significantly improve in your own personal practice. 

  • Form close connections and friendships with other wonderful yogis from all around the globe. 

  • Enjoy daily evening gatherings and reflect on the passing day. 

  • Experience additional group activities like chakra healing, dream catcher DIY and healing art sessions. 

  • Learn the intricacies of the body anatomy in regards to yoga practice, alignment and adjustment. 

  • Study and discuss the most essentials philosophical texts. 

  • Participate in in-depth discussions regarding the ethics, lifestyle, and purpose of a yoga teacher. 

  • Explore Chakras, Bandhas, and Meridians 

  • Study, understand and utilize Ayurveda.

  • Learn yogic cleansing techniques (Kriyas) 

  • Gain an understanding and receive advice on how to incorporate all of the information you learn on the course into your own personal lifestyle. 

  • Become knowledgable in the art of yoga and business, learn important aspects, strategies and how to bring this beneficial lifestyle back home. 


InDepth Yoga Academy is registered with Yoga Alliance and follows a syllabus designed in line with the internationally accepted standards of education set by them. The course covers four areas of study: techniques and practice, teaching methodology, anatomy and physiology, and philosophy and practicum.

As a registered yoga school, InDepth Yoga provides its students with the required contact and non-contact hours in each field, allowing them to gain an essential foundation in their yoga study. This foundation not only grounds students and sets their place in the yoga world, but also allows for personal growth through the understanding of the yogic belief of the universe and the self.

Below, we will provide further detail regarding each section of the course.

Techniques, Training, and Practice 

In this program, we will explore traditional yoga practices such as asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, and meditation. Our experienced instructors will guide you through these techniques, and then we will delve deeper into their origins, uses, and how to teach them.

Each day will begin and end with a guided asana practice. Throughout the course, you will gain extensive knowledge of the poses, sequencing, benefits and risks, as well as flawless alignment and hands-on assistance.

As asanas are just one aspect of the extensive world of yoga, we will also focus on other practices such as pranayamas. You will learn several techniques, experience them firsthand, and become comfortable incorporating them into your practice or class.

Kriyas, Mantra, and Meditation will also be covered extensively. You will become proficient in guiding yourself and others through various forms of meditation, such as breathing, visualization, chakra, and others. Additionally, you will learn yogic cleansing and purification techniques, and how to incorporate them into your practice. Our instructors will also provide lectures on the origin, history, and meaning of the mantra.


Teaching Methodology 

One distinction that sets InDepth Yoga Academy graduates apart from other RYS graduates is their gained experience in teaching upon completion of the course. Our students start teaching small aspects of a yoga class from the very first week and continue to do so until the end of their studies. This allows them to become comfortable with guiding a class, naming poses, and public speaking.


Throughout the course, we cover topics such as following a timeline, group dynamics, dos and don'ts, through a series of lectures and physical practices. We also delve much deeper into topics such as addressing the individual needs of students (including past injuries, age, and ability), teacher ethics and styles, as well as assisting in a yoga class.

Anatomy and Physiology 

This course places great importance on understanding the anatomy of the body to ensure the safety of our students. Students will learn the basic anatomical makeup of the body and key terms associated with it. They will also learn how different yoga poses affect various aspects of the body. We will cover the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems, exploring the effects, benefits, and risks of each pose. Additionally, students will become familiar with the organs and cardiovascular system.

In addition to the physical anatomy, we will also extensively cover the subtle anatomy and physiology, such as chakras, nadis, and koshas. Students will gain a thorough understanding of each one, including the benefits and risks, and how poses and meditation affect them.

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle Ethics

In this area, we will cover everything from the proper yogic diet according to ancient texts, to the texts themselves, including Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, The Upanishads, and The Bhagavad Gita.

Through a series of lectures and in-depth discussions, we will explore what it truly means to be a yoga teacher, as well as the purpose each one of us has in this world. Our students will gain not only a much deeper and closer understanding of the universe, but also a better understanding of themselves, their past, and their future.

In this section, our students will explore both external and internal aspects in order to come to a conclusion about their place in the universe. Through discussions and daily-life applications, they will begin a healing process and start to develop themselves.


In this final area, students will practice teaching, read the materials provided, complete small written exams regarding the content learned and at the end of the training, teach a full yoga class consisting of all the necessary areas learned.



[20 Days] 200hr Teacher Training in Phuket. 

2 - 22 December 2024

2 - 22 January 2024 


Online on request. 


Tuition: $2,250
Tuition + accommodation: $2,750
Tuition + premium accommodation: $2,950

$500 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot.
The remaining amount is due on the first day of classes.


Book your Spot

Contact us for more information or to reserve your spot. We are here to support you every step of the way.

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