85hr Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training
in Phuket, Thailand

InDepth Yoga Academy's 85 Hour Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training is a Yoga Alliance certified functional course devised for yoga teachers (200hr certificate holders) who are passionate about developing themselves in a new practical field of yoga study in relation to pregnancy and the health of pregnant women.
This intensive course prepares yoga teachers to beneficially and safely work with women in different terms of pregnancy and covers everything from the scientific aspects to the psychological and of course, does so in a practical way that students will implement throughout their journey as yoga teachers.
This course is also perfect for anyone who works in the childbirth field, Doulas, Midwives and etc who will without a doubt receive useful practical knowledge to bring into their daily work.
The journey of pregnancy is one of the most intense and rewarding experiences for any woman and as yoga teachers, it is in our nature to notice the ways that yoga and yoga philosophy can make the experience better by giving women the tools they will need to listen to their bodies, feel confident and in control, calm the mind and its worries and so much more.
In this program, you will learn not only how to support future mothers coming into your daily classes but also gain the knowledge to support any endeavor of working with pregnancy you may want to pursue whether that be opening up classes, workshops, or anything else. This informative and life-changing course will shift your world view as much as it will educate you.
“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”
– The Bhagavad Gita
Typical Daily Schedule
7:00 – 8:30 Morning Yoga Practice
8:30 – 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 – 14:00 Lectures
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch & resting time (self-study)
15:00 – 17:00 Theory and Lectures
17:00 – 18:30 Evening Yoga practice
*schedule is subjected to change
Content Hours
Techniques, Training and Practice
Teaching Methodology
Anatomy and Physiology
Practicum & Non - Conact Hours

What you will gain from the course:
Gain an in-depth understanding of traditional yogic techniques, their uses, practices, and ways to incorporate them into prenatal classes.
Learn and understand the different stages of pregnancy and the common characteristics of each stage.
Gain a vital understanding of the female body during pregnancy.
Learn how to safely modify positions of pregnancy and how to sequence classes designed to have the most beneficial effect.
Learn the proper sequencing, alignment, and position in a prenatal yoga class, then, get creative with these elements in the making of your own classes.
Experience daily asana, meditation, and pranayama practice to gain a better understanding and run the very things you will be teaching through your own body.
Form close connections and friendships with other wonderful yogis from all around the globe. Discover an abundance of support and love.
Learn the pranayamas which are acceptable and useful for prenatal classes.
Learn how you as a yoga teacher can support and improve the emotional states of mothers to be and those who have just given birth.
Learn the intricacies of the body anatomy in regards to returning back to balance after giving birth.
Study and discuss the most essentials philosophical texts.
Participate in in-depth discussions regarding the ethics, lifestyle, and purpose of a yoga teacher.
Explore Chakras, Bandhas, and Meridians
Trimester guide: how to modify the yoga practice during each trimester
Become knowledgable in the art of yoga and business, learn important aspects, strategies, and how to bring this beneficial lifestyle back home.
Topic Overview:
Below we have outlined some of the topics we will be delivering into during this course.
The Benefits of Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga
Prenatal and Post-pregnancy Anatomy, Physiology & Psychology (divided by topics such as trimesters, hormones, etc)
Body Changes During Pregnancy
The History & Philosophy of Childbirth
The Psychology of Giving Birth
Understanding the importance of First Aid
Functional Sequencing for Pregnancy-related classes (whether those are prenatal, postnatal or daily classes with a pregnant student)
Designing and Instructing Mommy & Me Classes
Incorporating guided visualization into classes
Hands-on Adjustment for Prenatal & Post-pregnancy Yoga
Restorative Yoga during Pregnancy and After it
Pranayama and sound techniques
Business Aspects of Yoga and especially Prenatal classes, studios and workshops
Setting the atmosphere, tone of instruction and creating a supporting atmosphere
InDepth Yoga Academy is registered with Yoga Alliance and therefore follows a syllabus designed in line with the internationally accepted standards of education set by them. The course will follow the 5 areas of study, those being techniques and practice, teaching methodology, anatomy and physiology, philosophy, practicum, and for this specialized course - prenatal. As a registered yoga school, InDepth Yoga provides it's students with the required contact and non - contact hours in each field, allowing the students to gain the essential foundation in their yoga study. This foundation will not only ground you and set your place in the yoga world but also allow for a great deal of personal growth through the understanding of the yogic belief of the universe and the self. Bellow, we will go into further detail regarding each section of the course.
Techniques, Training, and Practice
In this area, we will practice, teach, and gain an InDepth look into how traditional yoga practice can be used, modified, and personalized to serve women throughout their pregnancy and afterward.
This section will cover everything regarding positions - their modifications, alignment and etc.
Teaching Methodology
One distinction that separates InDepth Yoga Academy graduates from other RYS graduates is their gained experience in teaching upon completion of the course. Our students start teaching small aspects of a yoga class yoga from the very first week and continue to do so until the end of their study. This allows them to become comfortable with guiding a class, the names of the poses, and public speaking.
Topics such as following a certain timeline, group dynamics, do's, and don'ts will be covered through a series of lectures and physical practices. We will also dive much deeper into topics like addressing the individual needs of students (these can be past injuries, age, ability, and many more), teacher ethics, and styles, as well as assisting in a yoga class.
Anatomy and Physiology
This is an absolutely crucial aspect of the course and thus is treated with the utmost care. Our students will learn the basic anatomical makeup of the body, the key terms related to such, how aspects of the body react in different yoga poses, and thus how we can ensure the safety of each student in the class. Then we will delve into the way a woman's body changes throughout pregnancy looking into trimesters, hormones, nerves, complications, and so on. We will cover the skeletal, muscular, and nervous system and in each one, we will go over the effects poses have the benefits and the risks to each one. Students will also become familiar with the organs and the cardiovascular system.
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle Ethics
In this area, we will discuss how to bring ancient techniques like pranayama and mudra into our parental classes, how they can be beneficial, and which ones are safe to use.
This unique area will allow us to discuss the psychological aspects of pregnancy and how we as yoga teachers can use our knowledge to improve the experience of pregnancy as well as deal with some of the complications and fears that may show up.
In this final area, students will practice teaching, read the materials provided, complete small written exams regarding the content learned and at the end of the training, teach a full yoga class consisting of all the necessary areas learned.
Dates and Costs
The total cost of the training is separated into a course fee and accommodation. We do not require our students to locate with us, if you feel your situation is better suited for locating else where you are more than welcome to find accommodation near the school location. However, locating in the school holds a lot of valuable factors such as the friendly atmosphere of fellow students, the proximity of our instructors, who are always ready to answer your questions, as well as the fact that the school is only 10 minutes away from the beach and all kinds of other cultural cafes, shops and temples. For any questions regarding the contents of the training, the accommodation or general information please send an email to info@indepthyoga.com
85hr Prenatal + Post-natal Teacher Training
Tuition: $1,200
Tuition + private accommodation without a kitchen: $1,500
Tuition + private accommodation with a kitchen: $1,700
21 - 28 November 2024
On request.
Upon completion of the coursework, written test, and final exam each participant will receive a certification of completion that will enable them to register with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher (PRYT) and teach worldwide.