Welcoming the newest member of our team and your brand new writer!
In the beginning InDepth Yoga Academy was a one woman show. Nathalie taught the classes herself, ran the blog herself and kept everything in line herself and I imagine no one is surprised, after all, she is one unstoppable woman. With expansion though, it becomes harder to do everything yourself so this is the part when I introduce myself, the newest member of your yoga family.
My name is Ana, unlike Nathalie I don’t come from a sport background, if anything I come from a background of mostly remaining horizontal throughout my whole life. Even to this day the two types of exercise I do include yoga and photography. Yes, you read that right and if you think photography is not a sport say that to me when you are lying horizontal on a sharp perpendicular cliff holding a 20 pound camera. If you follow Nathalie you are very familiar with my photography by now, in fact this introduction is a little overdue as I have been working with her over the last 4 years at least! Many of my photos you can find on the InDepth Yoga instagram or follow me at @a.g._photography if you are interested in my other work! It is only now that we finally decided to take the last step and establish me within this amazing yoga community.
As mentioned, I’ve been around yoga for a long time. Until recently that time was spent as a practitioner, apart from occasional filming or shooting one of Nathalie’s classes, trainings or workshops I had very little to do with the teaching aspects of this Academy. Until one day I felt ready, it would take me much more than this simple introduction post to explain to you, why it was, that after many years of simply practicing yoga I felt the need to change my life through the process of becoming a certified instructor.
After that, joining the InDepth Yoga team was a no brainer, I have thousands upon thousands of found memories I carry with me from the last 4 years of working with Nathalie so the chance to have many more was nothing less of a blessing. And thats the short story of how I came to be here on your screens, I hope you enjoy the many posts I have planned for this beautiful blog and I can’t even begin to convey how excited I am to be here!
Truly Yours, Ana King